spay &

Serving People.
Saving Pets.

Spaying and neutering helps prevent pet overpopulation in our community. That’s why all pets adopted from Winnebago County Animal Services are spayed or neutered before going home. We also help connect families to a variety of affordable spay and neuter resources.

spay and neuter resources

Low Income Vouchers

Winnebago County, in conjunction with the Greater Rockford Veterinary Medical Association, offers assistance toward spay and neuter services for pet owners who qualify as low-income.  Qualified residents are able to purchase a voucher for $20. Services are provided by the area veterinary hospitals. The remainder of the cost of the spay/neuter is covered by the Winnebago County Spay/Neuter fund and is paid directly to participating veterinarians.

To be eligible for the Pet Population Low Income Vouchers, residents must:

Reside in Winnebago County

Receive Food Stamps/SNAP benefits or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Have a current rabies vaccination and county registration tag for the pet

Be the registered owner of the pet

To prove eligibility, applicants must:

Provide a letter from the Illinois Department of Human Services showing amount of food stamps or SNAP benefits received monthly and/or a letter from the federal government showing monthly SSDI or SSI benefits

Provide the most current W-2’s, two paycheck stubs, or Federal IRS 1040’s of all income earning household members

NOTE: Animal Services is not obligated to reimburse veterinary charges for necessary/recommended medical treatment not related to the sterilization surgery. Applicants should check their veterinarian for his/her procedure and process when utilizing the Pet Population Voucher.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)

Winnebago County Animal Services’ trap-neuter-return (TNR) program has been temporarily suspended. Winnebago County residents who are needing access to TNR services can call our main line at 815-319-4100 for recommendations of other organizations that provide TNR services in the area.

Other Providers

For those who do not qualify under low-income guidelines, there are other organizations that offer spay and neuter resources. Visit their websites to learn more about programs, eligibility and fees.

Spay Illinois

Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary

PAWS Humane Society

C.A.R.E. for Pets

The Spay Me! Clinic

Tails Humane Society

for more information on spay and neuter:

Customer Service Team


hours / contact

Shelter/Lobby Hours:
Monday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday-Friday: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: CLOSED
*Please note, all adoptions end 30 minutes prior to closing.

Patrol Hours:
Daily: 7:00 AM. – 12:00 AM (midnight)

Phone: (815) 319-4100
Fax: (815) 319-4101

Main Shelter

4517 North Main Street
Rockford, IL 61103

additional resources

Winnebago County Veterinary Clinics

Are you in need of veterinary services for your pet? Veterinary services are essential for maintaining your pet's health, preventing illness, and treating any problems that may arise. It is...

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