Working Cat Program

Mar 16, 2021 | Adoption Resources, All About Cats, WCAS News

While many of the cats who arrive to WCAS can easily live as indoor only pets, some cats are better suited to a semi-outdoor lifestyle. WCAS’s Working Cat Adoption Program’s objective is to give cats who may not be comfortable living in a traditional home setting a positive outcome outside of the shelter.

These working cats may be feral and not want anything to do with people, or may be semi-social and interactive with their caretakers.

What We Provide:

All cats in the working cat program have been:

  • Spayed/Neutered
  • Microchipped
  • Vaccinated with Rabies and FVRCP which includes rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia (feline distemper or feline parvo)
  • Treated with basic dewormers and parasite prevention
  • Ear tipped to signify their altered status

What You Provide:

  • Access to fresh food and water daily
  • Shelter, such as a barn, garage or shed, enclosed porch, or outbuilding
  • Veterinary care as needed

WCAS maintains a list of interested Working Cat adopters, and when a cat is determined to be a good fit for the Working Cat Adoption Program, our team will reach out to those on the list to pair the Working Cat with an adopter.

If you are interested in being added to the WCAS Working Cat Program adopter list, please complete the Working Cat Adoption Questionnaire or call 815-319-4101 for more information.

Care Instructions for When You Bring Your Working Cat Home

  • House cats in a kennel, crate, or confined area within your barn or other intended shelter for 2-4 weeks. Provide food, water, bedding, litter, and a hiding place (such as a box or carrier) within the confined area. This 2-4 week period of confinement is crucial for acclimating them to their new home. Without confinement time, they will likely run away and may not survive out on their own.
  • Provide fresh food and water, and clean litterbox daily. This is an important time for the cats to recognize you as their caregiver and provider of food and other resources. Most cats will hide during feeding and cleaning, but be aware that some will attempt to escape past you.
  • After 2-4 weeks, allow the cats to come out of their confined area on their own. They may continue to find comfort in the box, crate, or carrier provided, and you may consider leaving those available to the cat as long as they are being used.
  • Continue to offer fresh food and water daily in a location close to the cat’s original confinement. Feeding won’t stop cats from hunting mice, but does keep them happy and healthy. If cats aren’t given consistent food, water, and shelter, they will leave to seek those resources elsewhere.

complete a working cat adoption application

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